Saturday, 17 December 2016

Freedom in Computer Learning(ICT Report)

ICT Report

Introduction to Free Software
Free Software is software which provides users to study, modify, copy and re-distribute the software based on their needs. This software released under the GPL (General Public License).
Why free software in schools?
ü  The computer source is completely open to all, students able to the learn the code and helps to improve the code, redistribute the code with neighbors .
ü  Free software can save schools money. Savings are possible because free software gives schools, like other users, the freedom to copy and redistribute the software; the school system can give a copy to every school, and each school can install the program in all its computers, with no obligation to pay for doing so.
ü  Schools have a social mission: to teach students to be citizens of a strong, capable, independent, cooperating and free society.
ü  Free software permits students to learn how software works. Some students, natural-born programmers, on reaching their teens yearn to learn everything there is to know about their computer and its software. 
Free Software group took special interest in promoting the main aspects of the philosophy of the everyone having equal opportunity without any interpretation such as the freedom to share knowledge and the freedom to cooperate with our community by contributing improvements to computer programs. This awareness about  Free software was largely the result of what we learned at the meeting organized by the Free Software Hardware Movement , in the nearby city of Pondicherry. Attending those meetings also helped us to work in close connection with the Free Software community.

How We Did It
ü  Academicians from Free software group conduct pre-test for students and take analysis report based on that they prepared syllabus .
ü  They selected nearly 150 students from Class VI to IX. They had taken ICT training session  for students from  computer basics to programming for 3 months.
ü  They had provided resource materials for ICT Classes for further improvement of students.
Training was not limited to software, it also included teaching the basics of hardware maintenance to teachers and students. In our school, 14 years old students know how to assemble a PC.The use of Free programs in the classroom was facilitated by the implementation of training modules aimed at instructing teachers on the use of specific programs for teaching various subjects. For example, there was a training module for teachers of Mathematics on how to use Dr Geo for teaching geometry, another one for teachers of Chemistry on how to draw organic molecules using Chemtool, and many others.
Other training activities were conducted jointly by the school and FSHM Pondicherry  to teach us the use of different Free Software applications such as Blender, Inkscape, and the command line interface.

Commitment to Free Software
At the beginning the new system was used on a dual-boot basis, because we teachers were not familiar with Free Software, but we soon got acquainted with it to a great extent. Free Software is being used in the classroom and in the administration offices. We use a wide range of free programs in the classroom, such as GIMPTux PaintAudacityGPeriodic and LibreOffice, but there are many others.
Students are also introduced to Wikipedia(Online Encylopedia)
Education in the State of Puducherry  has become "IT-enabled", meaning that students are getting first hand technology knowledge while learning regular curriculum subjects outside the IT Lab. This is possible due to the large number of high quality educational applications available in GNU/Linux.
Real time work of teachers and students at our school ICT Lab.


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